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Father Pope Mathew is the founder of the First Immurement Church. He discovered his path in life after he began to suffer from a serious skin disease that inflicts 80% of his face. God came to him when he was in his most painful state, and told him that he needed to save the human race from sin, and the only way to lighten the flames of hell is to commit to a life full of prayer and repentance. He insists to say that it is harmless and not contagious. He began to preach his faith at the early age of 24 and now is a full time preacher. He created his church with the help of his wife, Mathew's Wife, and his two children. He has recently opened the church to the public and has already gained more than 10 new followers. He strives to spread the message of fear for the lord and his rage, and to spread awareness of the dangers of the world we live in. He would like to thank his Mother for his accomplishments and to everyone who supports his beliefs. 

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